Delft Tile Design Inspiration
We have over 40 Delft ranges available on our website, but when it comes to antique Delft designs, the possibilities are endless. Most of our popular designs are based on original Delft images, and we love when we get sent pictures of charming designs we haven't yet come across.

The earliest tin-glazed pottery in the Netherlands was made in Antwerp where the Italian potter Guido da Savino settled in 1500. So as you can imagine, since then, there have been hundreds of thousands of Delft designs created. Many themes such as animals, figures, biblical, alchemical, medical, landscapes, boats and ships, birds, marine and mythical are still hugely popular to this day, with hundreds of designs for each – the possibilities for ranges of designs is endless! Almost all of the antique delft tiles that we see today, are often the work of apprentices. As they were paid by piece, the quicker the designs were painted, the better – meaning that it can sometimes be hard to capture the quick and lively charm of original Delft.
We have created and adapted antique Delft designs into designs of our own, each artist applying their own painting style and character. We love using a range of Delft blue painting colours to bring life to our figures and miscellaneous designs.
We take our inspiration and reference from books, the internet and wherever else we can find it!